Spotsylvania County
Board of Supervisors Agenda
Executive Summary

Meeting Date: April 25, 2017
Title: CA17-0003 Zoning Amendment - Reconstruction of an Existing Electrical Transmission Line
Type: Action, Public Hearing, Ordinance, Power Point Presentation
Agenda Title: CA17-0003 Zoning Amendment - Reconstruction of an Existing Electrical Transmission Line

The Planning Commission recommends approval of CA17-0003.


Staff recommends that the Board approve CA17-0003 / Ordinance 23-169.

Summary: The public hearing is to consider amendment of Spotsylvania County Code Chapter 23, Zoning, Article 8, Non-Conforming Uses, Sec. 23-8.1.6 Alternative or enlargement of a nonconforming structure to allow the reconstruction of an existing electrical transmission line within an existing easement. The proposed ordinance amendment is attached, as well as information on a pending Dominion Virginia Power project to rebuild a portion of the Four Rivers-Fredericksburg Transmission Line within an existing 200' wide easement through approximately 8.2 miles of eastern Spotsylvania County. If this code amendment is approved, the project will proceed administratively rather than requiring a Special Use. The easement and transmission line pre-date the adoption of zoning in Spotsylvania County and, therefore, are considered legally non-conforming. The rebuild will replace existing wooden structures carrying a 115kV line with metal structures carrying a 115kV line. The average height of the structures is four (4) feet taller than the existing structures.
Committee/Commission Summary: Planning Commission
Review Date: 4/5/2017 Status: Approved
Financial Impact: N/A
Staff Contacts: Wanda Parrish, Director of Planning
Legal Counsel: Alexandra Spaulding, Senior Assistant County Attorney
Additional Background/Other Considerations: The transmission line traverses four jurisdictions. Hanover and Caroline counties have approved the project administratively. Fredericksburg is considering a similar zoning amendment to allow administrative approval.
Consequence of Denial/Inaction: The current Dominion Virginia Power line upgrade will need Special Use approval to proceed.
Name: Description: Type:
CA17-0003.pptx Presentation Presentation
Amendment_Ordinance_Ch_23_Art_8_20170103.pdf Draft Code Amendment Ordinance
(Fact_Sheet_wMap)_FINAL_Four_Rivers-Fredericksburg_Fact_Sheet__2-18-16.pdf Dominion VA Power Fact Sheet Backup Material
FINAL_Spotsy_Structure_exhibit_16_March.pdf Line Comparison Graphic Backup Material
bos_170425.doc Ad Backup Material