Item Coversheet

Spotsylvania County
Board of Supervisors Agenda
Executive Summary

Meeting Date:
AprilĀ 11, 2017
Approval of Purchase Order to Atlantic Machinery, Inc. for a 2017 Jet/Vacuum Sewer Cleaner Truck

Agenda Title:
Approval of Purchase Order to Atlantic Machinery, Inc. for a 2017 Jet/Vacuum Sewer Cleaner Truck
Approve the Purchase Order to Atlantic Machinery, Inc. for the purchase of a Vac-Con combination jet/vacuum sewer cleaner truck for the Utilities/Public Works Department in the amount of $371,406.00. The Purchase Order has been reviewed and approved as to form by the County Attorney’s Office.
Non-Staff Name and Title of Presenters:
Staff is requesting approval of a Purchase Order to Atlantic Machinery, Inc. for the purchase of a Vac-Con combination jet/vacuum sewer cleaner truck for the Utilities/Public Works Department in the amount of $371,406.00.
A Request for Proposal was issued by the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) on February 21, 2014 and awarded April 1, 2014 under contract #022014-AMI to Atlantic Machinery, Inc.  The NJPA is a national public service agency serving as a national municipal contracting agency with the authority to develop and offer cooperative procurement to its membership with no membership fee.  Eligible membership includes states, cities, counties, governmental agencies, both public and non-public educational agencies, colleges, universities and non-profit organizations. Spotsylvania County is currently a member of the NJPA
Financial Impact:
Funding is budgeted and available within the Utilities Capital Projects Fund Project Code SR1401.
Staff Contacts:
Ben Loveday, Deputy Director of Utilities/Public Works, Delma Armstrong, Manager, Collection System, Brad Quann, Procurement Manager          
Legal Counsel:
Susan Cooke, Deputy County Attorney
Additional Background/Other Considerations:
The Purchase Order has been reviewed and approved by the County’s Attorney’s Office.
Consequence of Denial/Inaction:
Failure to approve this purchase may compromise system integrity through delays in preventive maintenance and emergency response to the wastewater collection system.
Talking Points:
Staff is requesting approval of a Purchase Order to Atlantic Machinery, Inc. for the purchase of a Vac-Con combination jet/vacuum sewer cleaner truck for the Utilities/Public Works Department in the amount of $371,406.00.

File NameDescriptionType
Project_Budget_Wrksht.pdfProject Budget WorksheetBackup Material
Purchase_Order_signed_by_County_Attorney_for_Board_Approval.pdfPurchase Order to Atlantic Machinery, Inc.Agreement