Spotsylvania County
Board of Supervisors Agenda
Executive Summary

Meeting Date: November 27, 2018
Title: Formal Action to Reject the Public-Private Education Infrastructure Act (PPEA) Proposal to Construct and Operate an Indoor Recreation Facility
Agenda Title: Formal Action to Reject the Public-Private Education Infrastructure Act (PPEA) Proposal to Construct and Operate an Indoor Recreation Facility
Recommendation: Staff is seeking action by the Board of Supervisors to formally reject the unsolicited PPEA proposal and to return the $5,000 deposit submitted by the proposer with the PPEA.
Summary: The County received an unsolicited PPEA to construct and operate an indoor recreation facility in the County. After formal review of the proposal staff presented the proposal for the Board’s consideration. In accordance with Spotsylvania County guidelines for PPEA the Board can accept the proposal for further more detailed analysis or reject the proposal. The recommendation to reject the proposal was based on several factors including cost, availability of property and timing of the project.
Committee/Commission Summary:
Review Date: Status:
Financial Impact:
Staff Contacts: Ed Petrovitch, Deputy County Administrator
Legal Counsel:
Additional Background/Other Considerations:
Consequence of Denial/Inaction: The proposal would remain under consideration and the County would retain the $5,000 deposit while the proposal is evaluated further.
Name: Description: Type:
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