Spotsylvania County
Planning Commission
Executive Summary

Meeting Date: January 2, 2019
Title: SUP18-0002 - Sustainable Property Holdings, LLC (sPower Solar Energy Facility Site B) (Livingston Voting District)
Type: Action, Power Point Presentation
Agenda Title: SUP18-0002 - Sustainable Property Holdings, LLC (sPower Solar Energy Facility Site B) (Livingston Voting District)

Staff recommends approval of SUP18-0002 with the attached conditions. Staff strongly believes that the conditions are necessary for the project to meet the 8 Special Use Standards of Review and be consistent Comprehensive Plan in an on-balance review. Staff does have reservations about the size/scale of the facility, although this specific case is for the smallest development area, and cautions that some conditions intended to mitigate impacts of the greater facility may change the project scope. For example, the applicant has requested 800 acres of land disturbance, which is double the conditioned 400 acres. Limiting the disturbed area may have the consequence of prolonging the construction time frame. The majority of health, safety, and welfare concerns with the project and the greatest potential for negative impacts on the community are during the construction phase. Once established, the solar energy facility should be a safe, clean, quiet neighbor.


The applicant requests special use permit approval on one parcel to develop a 30 MW solar energy facility on a 245 acre and Agricultural 3 (A-3) zoned property identified as Tax Map 28-A-58.  The property is located in western Spotsylvania County approximately 650 feet south of the intersection of W. Catharpin Road and Post Oak Road.  The property is located outside of the Primary Development Boundary.  The property is identified for Rural Residential development on the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan. 


The Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 19, 2018 and closed the hearing. The Commission voted to continue the discussion on this special use to January 2, 2019.

Committee/Commission Summary:
Review Date: Status:
Financial Impact: The proposed project is anticipated to have a positive financial impact. 
Staff Contacts:

Wanda Parrish, AICP, Planning Director

Patrick White, Planner III


Legal Counsel: Alexandra Spaulding, Senior Assistant County Attorney
Additional Background/Other Considerations: Additional legal review of the conditions may result in language changes to ensure clarity and enforceability.
Consequence of Denial/Inaction: The Planning Commission recommendation shall be provided to the Board of Supervisors. 
Name: Description: Type:
SUP18-0002_-_Staff_Report_Packet_-_PC_-_12272018.pdf Staff Report Packet Staff Report
1.0_-_GDP_Narrative_Site_B_v181120.pdf GDP Narrative Backup Material
Spotsylvania_Solar_Energy_Center_Site_B_v181218.pdf GDP GDP
Site_B_Application_Packet.pdf Application Packet Backup Material
Airport_Map.pdf Airport distance exhibit Backup Material
2018-11-27_Home_Distance_Exhibit_SITE_B.pdf Home Distance Exhibit Backup Material
Decommissioning_Plan.pdf Decommissioning Plan Backup Material
Decomissioning_Estimate_-_Revised_and_sealed.pdf Decomm. Estimate Backup Material
Fiscal_Analysis.pdf Fiscal Analysis Backup Material
Emergency_Response_Plan_-_Construction_v181119.pdf ERP-Construction Backup Material
Emergency_Response_Plan_-_Operations_v181119.pdf ERP-Operations Backup Material
Site_Specific_Safety_Plan_-_Construction_v181119.pdf Site Safety - Construction Backup Material
Noise_Study.pdf Noise Study Backup Material
18-11-12_Highlander_Construction_Sequence_Concept.pptx Construction Sequence Concept Backup Material
CulturalResources_Abstracts_and_Concurrences.pdf Cultural Resources Backup Material
Threatened_and_Endangered_Species_Assessment_Excerpt.pdf Threatened and Endangered Species Excerpt Backup Material
Small_Whorled_Pogonia_Survey_v180614.pdf SWP Survey Backup Material
sPower_Water_Plan_as_Submitted.docx sPower Water Proposal Backup Material
Heat_Island_Executuve_Summary_with_appendices.pdf sPower Heat Island Info Backup Material
Executive_Summary_CdTE_panel_safety_and_integrity_with_Appendices.pdf sPower CadTel Info Backup Material
Geotechnical_Report_Excerpt.pdf sPower Geotech Report Backup Material
Hydrogeologic_Summary_Report_Excerpt.pdf sPower HydroGeo Summary Excerpt Backup Material
ALTA_Survey.pdf Survey Backup Material
Construction_Traffic_and_Access_Eval-Reduced.pdf Traffic and Access Backup Material
Entrance_Exhibits-Reduced.pdf Entrance Exhibits Backup Material
Drainage_Report_Excerpt.pdf Drainage Report Excerpt Backup Material
Erosion_Control_Calculations.pdf Zone E Erosion Calcs Backup Material
Viewshed_Study_Part1.pdf Viewsheds 1 Backup Material
Viewshed_Study_Part2.pdf Viewsheds 2 Backup Material
Misc_Older_Cits_Corr_Packets.pdf Misc Cit Input Packets Backup Material
CitPackets.pdf Correspondence 1 Backup Material
LargeFileLinks.pdf Citizen Correspondence 2 and SWM Concept Plan Backup Material
CitsReSpower11302018To12122018.pdf Citizen Correspondence from 11-30-18 to 12-12-18 Backup Material
Cit_input_from_12-12-2018.pdf Citizen Corr. from 12-12-18 to 12-27-18 Backup Material
sPower_Binder_12052018.pdf sPower Supplement 12052018 Backup Material
sPower_Supplement_-_121718.pdf sPower response to Dewberry and Four Plans Backup Material
GenX_confirmation_letter_121227.pdf sPower Supplement 12282018 - No GenX Backup Material
Golder_Memo_1-2-19.pdf Supplemental Hydrogeologic Analysis by County Consultant Backup Material
sPower_-_Kaila_Report_on_Solar_Farms_Impact_on_Property_Values.pdf Kaila Report on Solar Fars Impact on Property Values Backup Material
sPower_-_Letters_of_Support_for_1.2.pdf Letters of Support Backup Material
sPower_-_Letters_of_Support___second_set_12.19.18.PDF Letters of Support second set Backup Material