Spotsylvania County
Planning Commission
Executive Summary

Meeting Date: June 17, 2020
Title: CPA20-0001: Update to the Comprehensive Plan's Transportation Element
Type: No Action (Information Only)
Agenda Title: These worksessions will begin at 5 p.m. at 9019 Old Battlefield Blvd 3rd floor -
Update to the Comprehensive Plan's Transportation Element



Prior to an upcoming public hearing targeted for July 1, 2020, staff is bringing forth the complete draft of the Transportation portion of the Comprehensive Plan to present an overview of the proposed changes and to provide the Planning Commission an advanced look at the draft to be considered. Proposed are updates to the Spotsylvania County Comprehensive Plan consistent with direction from the Code of Virginia § 15.2-2230, § 15.2-2223, and § 15.2-2224. The update also reflects feedback received from the Planning Commission and Transportation Committee whose minutes are attached for reference. The Public Hearing was authorized to proceed by the Planning Commission on June 3, 2020 and Case number CPA20-0001 was then assigned. Specifically, this update proposes to repeal and replace Chapter 3, Transportation and Thoroughfare Plan, and add Chapter 3A, Trailways Master Plan addressing transportation by bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. Chapter 3, content to be repealed was initially adopted on November 14, 2013, and last updated August 9, 2016. Addition of Chapter 3A is meant to update, retire, replace and consolidate the County’s standalone Trailways Master Plan, last approved February 22, 2011 into the Comprehensive Plan. This Comprehensive Plan Transportation Chapter update also includes a revision to Appendix B, specifically repealing an outdated inventory of privately-operated Parks and Recreation amenities and replacement with a Transportation related exhibit, meant as a complement to the text update in Chapter 3. Consistent with the Code of Virginia § 15.2-2223.B.4, the proposed transportation updates to the Comprehensive Plan have been submitted for review to the Virginia Department of Transportation. Following review, VDOT approval of the draft was received by the County on March 25, 2020.


Within this agenda item, staff has provided additional information in memorandum form (attached) detailing proposed changes to Chapter 3, 3A, and Appendix B.


Similar to the rest of the Comprehensive Plan now in draft, staff remains committed to the collection of additional outside comments from the public and intends on including the materials of this transportation update within the larger public feedback solicitation and web based geohub efforts in development now. Should the transportation element be approved as recommended by staff, there will be an ability to further amend the Chapter if warranted when the remainder of the Comprehensive Plan progresses to public hearing in the coming months.


Committee/Commission Summary:
Review Date: Status:
Financial Impact: N/A
Staff Contacts: Leon Hughes, Director of Planning and Zoning, Jacob Pastwik, Planner III; Paul Agnello, Assistant Director for Transportation, Rodney White, Transportation Planner
Legal Counsel: N/A
Additional Background/Other Considerations: The impetus for moving the Transportation portion of the Comprehensive Plan draft ahead of the remaining Comprehensive Plan update (now in draft) is due to upcoming application deadlines for Smartscale transportation funding requests as staff look to pursue funds to complete transportation projects within the County. Smartscale application deadlines in early August make it necessary to navigate the public hearing process on an accelerated timeline. In total, four (4) projects may be submitted into the competitive pool of requests throughout Virginia. Targeted improvements may include: Tidewater Trail widening from the City of Fredericksburg line to Shannon Airport, Route 1 and Rt 208 Intersection improvements, extension of the VCR Trail along Harrison Road from Harrison Road Park to Hazelwild Farm (enhancing future prospects for widening of Harrison Road as planned), Route 1 corridor improvements from Four Mile Fork to Market Street.
Consequence of Denial/Inaction:

N/A- Work Session. However, in advance of the upcoming public hearing, if denial or inaction were to occur the County may lose the opportunity to fund certain transportation projects during the upcoming Smartscale period. Without an update the County may not be able to exhibit Comprehensive Plan support for projects targeted for upcoming Smartscale application deadlines considerate of the Code of Virginia, specifically Sect. 15.2-2232:


…unless a feature is already shown on the adopted master plan or part thereof or is deemed so under subsection D, no street or connection to an existing street, park or other public area, public building or public structure, public utility facility or public service corporation facility other than a railroad facility or an underground natural gas or underground electric distribution facility of a public utility as defined in subdivision (b) of § 56-265.1 within its certificated service territory, whether publicly or privately owned, shall be constructed, established or authorized, unless and until the general location or approximate location, character, and extent thereof has been submitted to and approved by the commission as being substantially in accord with the adopted comprehensive plan or part thereof.

Name: Description: Type:
Memorandum_(Chapter_3_3A_Appendix_B_Update).doc Memorandum (Chapter 3, 3A, Appendix B) Memorandum
Title_and_Table_of_Contents_(Redline).pdf Draft Title and Table of Contents Redline Exhibit
Title_and_Table_of_Contents_(Clean).pdf Draft Title and Table of Contents Clean Exhibit
DRAFT_Transportation_Plan_Chapter_3_(Redline).pdf Draft Chapter 3 Transportation Plan Redline Exhibit
DRAFT_Transportation_Plan_Chapter_3_(Clean).pdf Draft Chapter 3 Transportation Plan Clean Exhibit
DRAFT_Thoroughfare_Plan_Table_Last_Revised_6_9_20.pdf Draft Thoroughfare Plan Table Exhibit
2020_Thoroughfare_Plan_Map_Draft_(11_x_17).pdf Draft Thoroughfare Plan Map Maps
2020_Functional_Classification_Draft_(11_x_17).pdf Draft Functional Classifications Map Maps
Draft_Trailways_Master_Plan_Chapter_3A_(Redline).pdf Draft Chapter 3A Trailways Master Plan Redline Exhibit
Draft_Trailways_Master_Plan_Chapter_3A_(Clean).pdf Draft Chapter 3A Trailways Master Plan Clean Exhibit
Draft_Trailways_Plan_Complete_Map.pdf Draft Trailways Plan Map Roads and Greenways System Maps
Road_Based_Bike_Ped_Map.pdf Draft Road Based Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Map Maps
Greenway_Corridors_Map.pdf Draft Greenway Plan Map Maps
Appendix_B_Transportation_Priorities_Exhibit_(Redline).pdf Draft Appendix B Redline Exhibit
Draft_Appendix_B_Transportation_Priorities_Exhibit_(Clean).pdf Draft Appendix B Clean Exhibit
Code_of_Virginia_15.2-2223.pdf Code of Virginia 15.2-2223 Backup Material
Code_of_Virginia_15.2-2224.pdf Code of Virginia 15.2-2224 Backup Material
Code_of_Virginia_15.2-2232.pdf Code of Virginia 15.2-2232 Backup Material
VDOT_Transportation_Chapter_Approval_Notification_03252020.pdf VDOT Review Notification Backup Material
East_Coast_Greenway_GW_Region_Reroute_Memo_03-05-2020.pdf East Coast Greenway Revision Acceptance Notification Backup Material
May_22_2018_Joint_BOS_PC_Work_Session_Minutes.pdf May 22, 2018 Joint Work Session Minutes Minutes
October_9_2018_BOS_Work_Session_Minutes.pdf October 9, 2018 BOS Work Session Minutes Minutes
November_7_2018_Planning_Commission_Work_Session_Minutes.pdf November 7, 2018 Planning Commission Work Session Minutes Minutes
June_13_2019_Transportation_Committee_Minutes.pdf June 13 2019 Transportation Committee Minutes Minutes
August_7_2019_Planning_Commission_WS_Minutes.pdf August 7 2019 Planning Commission Work Session Minutes Minutes
March_13_2020_Transportation_Committee_Minutes.pdf March 13 2020 Transportation Committee Minutes Minutes
June_3__2020_Planning_Commission_Draft_Minutes_(Public_Hearing_Authorization).pdf June 3, 2020 Planning Commission Draft Minutes (Public Hearing Authorization) Minutes
Propose_to_Retire_2011_Trailways_Master_Plan.pdf Propose to Retire Standalone 2011 Trailways Master Plan Exhibit
Propose_to_Retire_2011_Trailways_Matser_Plan_Appendices.pdf Propose to Retire 2011 Trailways Master Plan Appendices Exhibit