Item Coversheet

Spotsylvania County
Board of Supervisors Agenda
Executive Summary

Meeting Date:
October 27, 2020
FY 2020 Preliminary End of Year Financial Report and Recommended Carryover Requests

Action, Appropriation
Agenda Title:
FY 2020 Preliminary End of Year Financial Report and Recommended Carryover Requests
Approve the budget adjustments and appropriations associated with the recommended carryover requests.

Staff will make a presentation reviewing the County's financial position at the close of FY 2020 and will request the Board's approval of budget adjustments and appropriations related to the attached recommended carryover request list.  Staff from each department will be available to address questions concerning carryover requests.  A draft carryover listing was reviewed and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting on September 17.  A public hearing is not necessary since the total of the budget adjustment for the recommended carryover requests is less than the legal threshold required for a public hearing.


Budget staff continues its work on the preliminary end-of-year report at the time of release of this agenda item.  Staff will seek the Board's approval only on the FY 2020 carryover on October 27, and all information associated with the carryover is attached hereto.  Other end-of-year report documents will be uploaded as they are completed.

Committee/Commission Summary:
Finance Committee
Review Date:
September 17, 2020 - Carryover only
Financial Impact:

Following is the financial impact/adjustments necessary for the recommended carryover items:


General Fund

Increase Use of Fund Balance .......................... $2,347,484

Increase Grant/Offsetting Revenues .................    $358,438

Increase Expenditures ....................................... $2,630,922

Increase Transfer to EDO Fund ........................      $75,000


Capital Projects Fund

Increase Use of Fund Balance .....................…   $1,314,960

Increase Transfer to EDO Fund ........................  $1,314,960


Code Compliance Fund

Increase Use of Fund Balance ............…………..    $26,944

Increase Expenditures ....................................….    $26,944


EDA Fund

Increase Transfer from General Fund ...............      $75,000

Increase Transfer from Capital Projects ......……$1,314,960

Increase Expenditures ....................................... $1,389,960


Utilities Operating Fund

Increase Use of Fund Balance ............................   $193,153

Increase Expenditures ....................................…..  $193,153


Staff Contacts:

Bonnie Jewell, Assistant County Administrator/Chief Financial Officer

Barbara Verhaalen, Budget Analyst

Additional Background/Other Considerations:

At the close of each fiscal year, departments submit requests to carry forward funding from the previous Fiscal Year (FY 2020) to the current Fiscal Year (FY 2021).  The carryover process is not meant to be a second budget process, create contingency funding within a department budget, or be used for ongoing expenses such as personnel or general operating expenses.  Carryover requests must meet at least one of the two following criteria and should be for specific goods, services, or equipment acquisitions. 


  1. Obligated in FY 2020 –

    The request reflects an expenditure that was included in the FY 2020 Budget and was obligated (encumbered via a contract, purchase order, or equivalent) but not expended before the close of FY 2020.

  2. Grant Funded, Restricted, Committed –

    The request reflects an expenditure that was grant funded, restricted, or committed.

Consequence of Denial/Inaction:

Denial of carryover requests related to grant and/or other obligated funding would  negatively impact the County’s ability to meet the requirements associated with those obligations, potentially resulting in the need to return grant funding and impacting future grant requests. 

File NameDescriptionType
4th_Quarter_Memo_(FY_2020).pdfMemo - Preliminary FY 2020 End of Year Financial ReportMemorandum
Attachment_1_-_FY_2020_-_4th_Quarter_Report.pdfAll Funds Revenue, Expenditures & Fund Balance SummariesBackup Material
Attachment_2_-_Revenues.pdfAll Funds Revenue DetailBackup Material
Attachment_3_-_Expenditures.pdfAll Funds Expenditures DetailBackup Material
Attachment_4_-_Budget_Adjustments_Over_$50K.pdfFY 2020 Budget Adjustments Greater Than $50KBackup Material
Attachment_5_-_Carryover_FY_2020.pdfFY 2020 Recommended CarryoverBackup Material
Carryover_Requests_FY_2020_-_Appropriation.docAppropriation Resolution for Recommended CarryoverAppropriation
EOY_Preliminary_Report___Carryover_(Oct_27__2020).pdfPresentation - Preliminary Summary of Year-End FinancialsBackup Material