Spotsylvania County
Planning Commission
Executive Summary

Meeting Date: March 16, 2022
Title: Comprehensive Plan Transportation Chapter 3, 3A, Land Use Chapter 2 Update: Request to Initiate Public Hearing
Type: Action, Power Point Presentation
Agenda Title: Comprehensive Plan Amendments to the Transportation Chapters 3, 3A, and Land Use Chapter 2: Request to Initiate Public Hearing in support of Smart Scale Applications, Revenue Sharing and Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) candidate projects, revisions and additions to existing road improvements, and addition of new concept roads for consideration to be included in the Comprehensive Plan.  
Recommendation: Staff recommends the Planning Commission initiate amendments to the Comprehensive Plan with the following motion: Based upon the public necessity, convenience, the general welfare, good zoning practices and compliance with the Virginia Code, I move that the Planning Commission initiate public hearings for proposed changes to the Spotsylvania County Comprehensive Plan, specifically to Chapter 2 Land Use, Chapter 3 Transportation, and Chapter 3A Trailways Plan incorporating the amendments to support the Smart Scale applications, Revenue Sharing and Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) candidate projects, and addition of new concept roads.  

Staff requests that the Planning Commission formally initiate the public hearing process to consider proposed amendments to Chapter 2 Land Use, Chapter 3 Transportation, and Chapter 3A Trailways Plan.  The total extent of edits required to address the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan include revisions to the Thoroughfare Plan maps and table, addition of two new geographically focused maps for the Thornburg and Lake Anna areas, Trailways Plan map edits, and an edit to the Land Use to Zoning Compatibility Table for uses outside of the Primary Development Boundary. The attached Thoroughfare Plan maps highlight where amendments to the Plan are proposed. Project locations highlighted in yellow represent projects identified for transportation funding request interests within the short term. A list of critical additions follows in the next paragraph and represent project candidates for upcoming Smartscale applications and future Revenue Sharing, Transportation Alternatives (TAP) application considerations. Those projects highlighted in blue represent  projects proposed in addition to new concept roads and additional edits to the Thoroughfare Plan proposed.  The Thoroughfare Plan- Primary Development Boundary map highlights those amendments envisioned in and around the Primary Development Boundary. New concept road connections and upgrades at Lake Anna are highlighted in the County-Wide Thoroughfare Plan Map. Larger zoom in maps depicting land use designations and these roads are also attached.   The primary driver for these amendments comes from need to ensure the Comprehensive Plan clearly exhibits support for a number of transportation projects identified as transportation funding application candidates under the Smartscale program, Revenue Sharing, and Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). Under Additional Background/Other Considerations this Executive Summary outlines the importance of exhibiting Comprehensive Plan support for public infrastructure projects. This is a factor considered during the application process as well. Considering Smartscale application deadlines any revisions to the Comprehensive Plan concerning applications must have Board of Supervisors action no later than August 1, 2022. Though a number of intended application projects have already been specified within the adopted Plan, Transportation staff has identified necessary additions to include:

1.    Intersection project for Lafayette Blvd at Olde Greenwich Dr near the City Line.

2.    Rte 3 Pipeline Study Operational Study improvements from Andora Drive to I-95           Exit 130 interchange including possible interchange modification for ramps going          to Spotsylvania Mall.

3.     Rte 3/Big Ben Blvd/Spotswood Furnace Intersection improvement, including a              sidewalk along Big Ben Blvd.

4.     Rte 1 Massaponax Corridor Study intersection improvements at Massaponax              Church Rd & Guinea Station (with updated scope & cost estimates)

5.     Rte 1 Pipeline Study Operational improvements from City Line to Four Mile Fork          and including Lafayette Blvd from Four Mile Fork to Harrison Rd & Lassen Lane          & Harrison Rd between Rte 1 & Lafayette Blvd.

6.     Interstate 95 Exit 126 SB Onramp Improvements – Need to update cost estimate 7.     Rte 1/Southpoint Pkwy intersection project

8.     Rte 1/Hood Dr/Mine Rd – Need to provide cost estimates for 2 Alternatives:                  Quadrant Roadway and Conventional Intersection improvement

9.     Harrison Rd/Salem Station Rd intersection project

10.   Rte 2/17/Benchmark intersection project

11.   Germanna Pt Drive/Spotsylvania Avenue – Widening to 4 Lanes, including                   bicycle  and pedestrian improvements

12.  Chancellor Park Drive Sidewalk


The aforementioned projects have been identified as critical to specify within the Comprehensive Plan. As a matter of efficiency since we have proposed to open a Comprehensive Plan amendment, staff proposes also updating a number of existing Thoroughfare Plan projects such as downgrading a Smith Station Road widening project between Courthouse and Gordon Rds from a 4-lane widening to a 2-lane improvement, adding other known projects such as development of Rte 751, an industrial park access road off of Pierson Drive. A network of concept road connections is also envisioned for the Lake Anna mixed use, and Thornburg/Jackson Gateway areas.  The new concept road projects near Lake Anna and Thornburg areas are intended to complement the adopted Comprehensive Plan major initiative action plan item to pursue development of special area plans in the County.  For Lake Anna and Thornburg/Jackson Gateway, new concept roads are envisioned to improve the transportation network and proactively plan for a basic framework of road connections within targeted development areas lacking such infrastructure presently. The Thornburg area and Jackson Gateway have been identified as economic development/employment hubs since the 2002 Comp Plan. The Lake Anna Mixed Use area has been identified as an area of development interest since the 1994 Comp Plan. Development, referenced as a village and/or mixed use area. Development interest in these areas has increased in recent years and these areas have a significant inventory of greenfield (undeveloped or underdeveloped land) with development potential reliant on the existing transportation network. Recent discussions with the Virginia Department of Transportation and Transportation staff confirm need to proactively plan for transportation linkages in these areas ahead of significant development in the interest of avoiding overburdening the Route 1 and Route 208 corridors and intersections. Development that orients ingress and egress directly upon these corridors will degrade levels of service with slow traffic, and overburden existing intersections. As a result staff has looked to plan a series of intersection bypass roads, parallel roads, and east-west connections intended to lessen future traffic burdens. These conceptual roads will be implemented in conjunction with development proposals either being constructed or by preserving the area to support future construction of the concepts with the dedication of necessary right of way for construction.  Like other new concept roads exhibited in the Comprehensive Plan, staff notes the route alignments as exhibited are aimed at establishing directional connections, parallel roadways, routing alternatives. They are not engineer accurate lines and as acknowledged within the Comprehensive Plan Transportation maps new concept facilities are depicted as conceptual alignments only. Further design/engineering necessary to determine precise route. Staff acknowledges the locations of these new road connections are subject to potentially shift. Staff is confident there is a need to proactively plan for new north-south parallel roads off the Route 208 and 1 corridors as well as need for connectors between Rt 1 and Rt 208 to expand inland accessibility, remove needs for direct accesses to Rt 208 and 1 for development, diversify routing options, link alternative N-S parallel road to Rt 1 traffic. We are still early in the process and proposed amendments are still in evolving. Cognizant of our August 1st deadline to address Smartscale related amendments we have reached out early in the process to kick-off the amendment process with this public hearing initiation request.  


Lastly, considering the Lake Anna special area plan and prospects for development in that area staff proposes inclusion of the Planned Rural Residential (PRR) zoning district as a complementary zoning designation to the Lake Anna Mixed Use area. This amendment translates to an update to the Zoning Districts to Land Use Designations outside of the Primary Development Boundary compatibility table. PRR is a zoning designation supportive of individual lot rural residential single family detached housing on well and septic. Per County Code Sec. 23-6.27.1- Purpose and intent, the PRR zoning district is intended to encourage innovative development designs accommodating agricultural and forestry practices and preserving the rural character of the county, while accommodating residential development outside the limits of the primary development boundary. Provisions in this section are designed to support flexibility, economy, and ingenuity in the layout and design of subdivisions. As adopted with the major update to the Comprehensive Plan on December 14, 2021, an updated description of the Lake Anna Mixed Use area placed greater emphasis on commercial development and reduced focus on residential development, especially high density residential (such as townhomes or multi-family) considerate of lack of public water and sewer and concerns over mass drainfields, water availability and privately operated systems. Staff believes the PRR designation does complement the intent of the established land use vision. At present no PRR zoning exists within the Lake Anna mixed use area and rezoning review would be necessary. Staff believes this designation provides greater prospect to help develop the road network and support commercial development prospects while not introducing high density development at the Lake. Correction of a scrivener’s error resulting from a change in terminology during development of the Comprehensive Plan from “Mixed Use Commercial Core” to “Mixed Use Commercial Heavy” will mitigate an inconsistency in the Plan. 

Committee/Commission Summary:
Review Date: Status:
Financial Impact: N/A
Staff Contacts:

Leon Hughes, Director of Planning and Zoning; Kimberly Pomatto, Deputy Director of Planning and Zoning; Jacob Pastwik, Planner III

Legal Counsel: N/A
Additional Background/Other Considerations:

Staff will present the proposed amendments to the Transportation Committee at their meeting on March 10, 2022.  Staff will relay Transportation Committee feedback at the Planning Commission meeting on March 16, 2022.


The County’s Planning Commission is responsible for preparing the elements of the Comprehensive Plan under the Virginia Code, Section 15.2-2223 which states in the pertinent parts:


“The local Planning Commission shall prepare and recommend a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the territory within its jurisdiction and every governing body shall adopt a comprehensive plan for the territory under its jurisdiction.”  The Code states that the purpose of the comprehensive plan is to achieve “a coordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the territory which will, in accordance with present and probable future needs and resources, best promote the health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare of the inhabitants, including the elderly and persons with disabilities.”


The Comprehensive Plan establishes goals, objectives, policies and implementation techniques that will provide the tools to help the decision makers guide the County’s future development. Section 15.2-2223 further states:


“The Comprehensive Plan shall be general in nature, in that it shall designate the general or approximate location, character and extent of each feature, including any road improvement and any transportation improvements and shall indicate where existing lands or facilities are proposed to be extended, widened, removed, relocated, vacated, narrowed, abandoned or changed in use as the case may be.  As part of the Comprehensive Plan, each locality shall develop a transportation plan that designates a system of transportation infrastructure needs and recommendations that may include the designation of new and expanded transportation facilities that support the planned development of the territory covered by the plan and shall include, as appropriate, but not limited to       roadways, bicycle accommodations, pedestrian accommodations, railways, bridges, waterways, airports, ports, and public transportation facilities.”


Consequence of Denial/Inaction:

Public hearings for amendments as described above will not move forward at this time. Ability to exhibit Comprehensive Plan support for a number of intended forthcoming Smartscale, Revenue Sharing, or TAP applications for transportation funding may be compromised. Efforts to proactively plan for future road connections in advance of development pressures will not move forward at this time. The Comprehensive Plan in its entirety will remain as adopted December 14, 2021.

Name: Description: Type:
Chapter_3_County-Wide_Thoroughfare_Plan_Map_(24_X_36).pdf Chapter 3 County-Wide Thoroughfare Plan Map DRAFT Maps
Chapter_3_County-Wide_Thoroughfare_Plan_Map_HIGHLIGHT_MARKUP.pdf Chapter 3 County-Wide Thoroughfare Plan Map DRAFT (HIGHLIGHT MARKUP) Maps
Chapter_3_Thoroughfare_Plan-_PDB_Map_(24_x_36).pdf Chapter 3 PDB Focus Thoroughfare Plan Map DRAFT Maps
Chapter_3_Thoroughfare_Plan-_PDB_Map_(24_x_36)_HIGHLIGHT_MARKUP.pdf Chapter 3 PDB Focus Thoroughfare Plan Map DRAFT (HIGHLIGHT MARKUP) Maps
Chapter_3_Thornburg_Area_Map_(24_x_36).pdf Chapter 3 Thornburg Area Map DRAFT Maps
Chapter_3_Lake_Anna_Mixed_Use_Area_Map_(24_x_36).pdf Chapter 3 Lake Anna Mixed Use Area Map DRAFT Maps
Chapter_2_Land_Use_to_Zoning_Compatibility_Table_(PDF)_Outside_PDB_CLEAN.pdf Chapter 2 Land Use to Zoning Compatibility Table (CLEAN) Exhibit
Chapter_2_Land_Use_to_Zoning_Compatibility_Table_(PDF)_Outside_PDB_REDLINE.pdf Chapter 2 Land Use to Zoning Compatibility Table (REDLINE) Exhibit
PPT.pptx PPT Presentation Presentation